Top 10 Resume Tips for RevOps

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We’re spilling the tea on 10 resume power moves for Revenue Operations that’ll land you at the top of the hiring manager’s pile. Let’s showcase your skills and get you that dream job, shall we?

1. Always tie your accomplishments to an outcome.

What problem did you solve? Was it tied to ROI? Did it save time? How much? Who was positively impacted by your work?

2. Call out your stakeholders by title.

Working with stakeholders is crucial to revenue operations and having . This detailed info allows the reader to understand exactly what area of the funnel you interacted with.

3. Don’t just list the tech stack at the top or bottom of your resume.

Include the tech stack throughout your resume. This helps the reader understand how relevant your specific technical experience is and when you’ve spent time in different systems.

4. Numbers tell a story – always use numbers.

Whether it’s that you were the 1st Rev Ops hire at the company or that you implemented automation into the CRM which enabled the reps to complete the task 5x quicker.

5. Pay attention to your verbs.

Some verbs naturally feel more passive than active. For example, I “worked” with the C Suite vs I “partnered” with the C Suite. Diversity your verbs and choose verbs that demonstrate exactly what you did.

6. The top few bullets of each role are the most important.

This is either the bait that hooks the reader or deters them from reading the rest of your resume. Ensure that it captures a bulk of the responsibility in the role.

7. Keep your professional experience at the top.

If you’re more than 3+ years out of school, keep your professional experience at the top of your resume and move your education to the bottom.

8. Don’t list soft skills on your resume.

It takes up space and your resume should speak to your hard skills. Throughout the interview, you will have an opportunity to demonstrate your soft skills.

9. Be specific.

If you managed 5 departments, name the departments. If you ran an implementation, call out that it was a Hubspot to Salesforce implementation.

10. Include relevant content in your summary.

If you choose to include a professional summary at the top of your resume, be sure it includes relevant content to the role you’re applying for. Similarly, make sure it does more than fills space. Lots of candidates make the mistake of including a summary but either keep it too vague or so specific that it doesn’t relate to all the roles they apply for.