Manager Toolkit

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This checklist contains steps that managers should take prior to each new hire’s first day. Please review at least a week prior to ensure your new hire is set up for success!

Job responsibilities & KPIs

  • Are there company or role-specific KPIs to share with the new hire?
  • Present immediate projects or tasks.

Tools and systems access

  • Will this new hire require system access to anything that isn’t automated?


  • What documentation can you share to optimize this new hire’s success in their first couple of weeks?

Onboarding training materials

  • This may be automated but if not, try to share the onboarding materials in a concise way that is digestible for a new hire.

Invite new hire to ongoing meetings

  • Be sure to invite the new hire to any regular company meetings, team stand ups, 1:1s, etc.

Provide a peer mentor

  • While the information from this new hire’s interview is fresh, think about someone at the organization that can act as a peer mentor.

Send welcome note

  • Sample email:
<em>Dear “new hire”,</em>

<em>Hope you are getting excited for your first day at “ORGANIZATION” on “DATE”. We are thrilled to have you join us. I’m looking forward to being your direct manager and working closely together. I have been here since “DATE” and love “INSERT WHAT YOU LOVE ABOUT COMPANY/ROLE”. I wanted to share a preview of what to expect during your first week here.</em>

<em>On your first day, expect to…</em>
<em>During your first week, you will…</em>

<em>Once you get started, we’ll review in more depth but for now, let me know if you have any questions. Once again, welcome to the team and see you on day 1!</em>



30/60/90 Plan Templates for New GTM Hires