Interview Questions

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When creating interview questions, it’s important that the questions tie back to specific themes identified during the opening of the role. When creating your interview questions, it’s a great time to reflect on your existing team to understand what strengths or gaps may exist. Think of hiring like building a sports team. We don’t need all pitchers on a baseball team. We need some outfielders, hitters, etc. Try to envision how this new hire can add value to the existing team OR replace a departure with a specific skillset. That said, we’ve created some questions that you would commonly ask someone for a RevOps role.

Talent Screen Questions

  • Tell me about your previous projects (size; tech stack, role, number of projects worked on at any given time, stakeholders and individuals you collaborated with).
  • What single project or task would you consider most significant career accomplishment to date?
  • If there’s one area you’ve always wanted to improve upon, what is it? Why?
  • Within your current or past roles, who are typically your stakeholders?
  • Can you give an example of a time where your stakeholder disagreed with your proposed solution?

Hiring Manager Questions


  • Tell me about any dashboards or reports you’ve created to help with how the leads are managed. How did this help the business understand how those lead sources are performing?
  • What strategies have you used or proposed to streamline and automate the lead management process?
  • What tools have you been an admin for? What is your current tech stack?
  • Tell me about the most challenging project you’ve ever led and how you overcame challenges (and) issues?
  • How do you set project goals? How do you monitor the progress of those goals?


  • Tell me about the most challenging project you’ve ever led and how you overcame challenges (and) issues?
  • How do you set project goals? How do you monitor the progress of those goals?
  • Insert tech specific questions (i.e. CRM knowledge ~ workflows, automations, dashboards, reporting, etc.)
  • Provide an example when you disagreed with the stakeholder’s solution and how you were able to leverage your technical expertise and explain to a non-technical person(s).


Solution Architecture

SFDC Architecture

  • How do you decide on flow vs. code?
  • Stakeholder/Client Management:
    • 1) Ability to manage expectations and explain complex technical information with non-technical stakeholders
    • 2) Ability to balance multiple clients and projects.

Remember, tailoring your interview questions to the specific role and your existing team dynamic is crucial. The best questions uncover the skills and strengths that will make your new hire an MVP for the team.

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