Advice for Hiring early Talent

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When hiring early talent in RevOps, there are some ways to ensure you’re supporting them as they enter the workforce or are in their early years of work.

Likewise, there are steps to take to ensure you’re getting the most out of the hire. While hiring this talent can require more upfront training and onboarding, our early talent are the future leaders and can deliver great value to organizations.

Early talent is newer to remote culture and while many other professionals had many years of experience onboarding and training in an office setting, young talent is faced with an additional challenge of joining a company remotely while attempting to sharpen their skills and climb the proverbial ladder.

What does this mean for an employer?

Take the time to schedule coffee chats, check ins and do this via Zoom to bridge the feeling of being remote. They need to feel a part of the team.

Another area needed to train your early talent is around communication style of the company. Each company communicates in a different way and while many organizations have moved towards a more relaxed style of communication, it’s important for any new hire to understand best methods of communication.

For example, when is it appropriate to send a slack message vs. email? Does the company foster transparency in the sense that you are encouraged to post questions in group channels or via DMs? Does your company have any rules of engagement? Take a couple minutes to train your young talent on preferred communication styles within the org.

In order to appropriately hire and retain early talent, there needs to be clear expectations on what their current role is and what’s needed to be promoted or see growth within their existing role. Share a 30/60/90 day plan with them and be sure to incorporate their short and longer term professional goals in a way that sets them (and you!) up for success. As a people leader, this may mean collaborating with other leaders to cross train employees.

Some of the best RevOps folks come from the Go-To Market teams. We are seeing an increasing number of early talent start in sales or marketing and decide to pursue RevOps for more of a “behind the scenes” role. Don’t discount early talent within your organization. Sure, this may mean training a BDR on technical aspects of Salesforce, etc. but their perspective as an end user can bring great value.